Dubs on the Bay - June 15, 2013
As usual we had fun "crank style." We started "cranking" on Freddy's car as it broke even before the cruise started. As always, the troops rally together and got it working in time for Dubs on the Bay. We got there as the cars were pulling from Tropical Park. We stopped for Lemonade on the way to the pizza place. Along the way we had lots of fun and memories.
Cranking before we even leftKeep calm and crank on the "trastes"
Tropical Park and rolling outWe made it in time for Tropical Park as the rest of the VW's were leaving
Pit Stop for LemonadeAfter all the cranking it was time for some refreshments and we stopped for lemonade
Dubs on the BayOff to Dubs on the Bay final destination on the beach... some more cranking on Richard's bus and then dinner.